Hewitt, Bunker and Lawler to speak at GIMA conference

Bob Hewitt, who retires as chief executive of Klondyke Group this year, and Alton Garden Centre owner Derek Bunker have been named as speakers at the next GIMA Day Conference (14 April, Heart of England Conference & Events Centre, near Coventry).
Also in the line up is Jane Lawler, a new associate member of GIMA and founder of Lawler Associates, who will advise delegates on how they can save money on their R&D expenditure. Vicky Nuttall, GIMA Director said delegates could also expect further news of plans for the membership. The Day Conference is open to anyone, with GIMA members benefiting from subsidised rates. The GIMA AGM will precede the Day Conference sessions and is open to fully paid-up members only. Information: www.gima.org.uk/gime-dday-conferences Tel 01959 564947 or e-mail info@gima.co.uk