Harrogate Christmas & Gift appoints new chairman

One of the UK’s fastest growing trade shows – Harrogate Christmas & Gift – appointed Malcolm Naish, managing director of Lema Publishing, as its new chairman during its AGM in London.
Malcolm (pictured left) is a well known figure in the gift industry publishing magazine titles such as Gifts Today; Christmas in January and February; Toys n Playthings and Greetings Today to name just a few. The role of chairman was handed over by Robert Anslow (pictured right) who was thanked for his contribution and commitment to the show during his two-year term. Malcolm commented: “I am delighted and honoured to represent Harrogate Christmas & Gift as chairman. The show has gone from strength to strength in recent years and is fast becoming one of the most important trade events of the year not only for companies in the Christmas sector, but those in gift, garden and home ware too. Robert has done a sterling job as chairman and I look forward to contributing to the continuing success of the show.” Harrogate Christmas & Gift is at the Harrogate International Centre from 8th to 11th January 2017. For more information visit: www.harrogatefair.com